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Tag: Leadership Development

105: 4 Strategies Top Leaders Use to Be Productive

As a leader, you’re responsible for setting the tone when it comes to your team’s productivity. But in a culture where many of us confuse busyness for productivity, it can be difficult to find the daily rhythms and structures that help you and your team accomplish your most important tasks. In this episode, BELAY CFO Lisa Zeeveld talks with V.P. of Marketing Amy Appleton about four strategies leaders can use to be more productive with their time, physical space, meetings, and delegation. They share practical tips for becoming a better delegator, setting up a physical space that’s conducive to productivity, structuring meetings for maximum effectiveness, and more.

104: How to Have Courageous Conversations

When you work with other people, hard conversations are inevitable. In this episode, Lisa talks with Krisha Buehler and Lori Friedman from BELAY about the framework they use when having difficult conversations, and they’ll talk through the specific approaches they would take in three different workplace scenarios. This conversation will be full of information that listeners can start implementing in their own conversations right away.

102: 4 Ways to Stop Being the Bottleneck

When you’re looking to grow your business, the answer is usually less about working harder and more about delegating effectively. That’s why Stacy Tuschl is so focused on helping business owners stop getting in the way of their own growth. In this episode, Stacy shares practical advice leaders can use to start delegating, creating more accountability among team members, and setting up systems that allow the business to keep running smoothly.

099: How to Take Time Off As a Business Owner

In this episode, LZ and Tricia will talk to busy leaders about the importance of taking time off. Too many leaders and business owners go so hard that they don’t take time for themselves. LZ and Tricia will help leaders understand why vacation time is so important, both mentally and physically. And they’ll explain some strategies and techniques leaders can use to help them implement healthy processes that allow them to get away.

086: How to Win More Customers Through Your Company Culture

We don’t often think that culture and branding are connected. But Ted Vaughn – co-author of Culture Built My Brand and co-founder of Historic Agency – will show us otherwise. In this episode, he will talk about the Marquee Culture Method, what it is, how it works, and how to put it in place in your organization. You will better understand how culture and branding are related and what you need to do to win more customers.

085: How to Delegate Effectively: Part 2 of Delegate to Elevate

This is the second of a two-part episode about delegation. Matt Seaton, VP of Operations at BELAY, joins the podcast to discuss the nuts and bolts of delegation. He and Lisa will talk about how to be effective at delegation, how much you should delegate, the differences between remote vs traditional, how to build a culture of delegation and much more.

084: How to Know It’s Time to Delegate: Part 1 of Delegate to Elevate

In the first of a two-part episode about delegation, LZ and BELAY’s Director of Marketing, Amy Appleton, will share how a leader can know when it’s time to start delegating, the obstacles they’ll face, and how to develop trust with other team members (i.e. contractors, employees, etc.). They’ll also talk about the myth of the “Superhero ideology” and why “I’m fine” just doesn’t always cut it.

083: How A Bookkeeper Can Help You Prepare for Tax Season

In this episode, Tricia and Lisa will discuss the ways a bookkeeper can help you prepare your business and alleviate the stress of tax season.

082: What We Can Learn from 20,000 Small Businesses

J.R. McNair, a small business consultant who is considered to be one of the nation’s foremost experts on startup businesses, joins us to talk about just that. He’s also the founder of The Velocity Accelerator and Small Business Day: The nation’s largest startup launch event. He’ll chat with us about some trends he’s seeing in small businesses and what we can learn from the thousands of small businesses he’s worked with.

081: What Your #2 Wants From You

McKenzie Reeves Decker is the COO of System & Soul, and she works for a visionary, driven leader. In this episode, she talks about how to make the most of a relationship with your leader, and why it’s so hard for some leaders to ask for and receive help.