1. Know Yourself.
The first step to working better with others is to simply know who you are. Know your strengths and weaknesses, what sets you off and energizes you, and how these traits come out when you are communicating with other people. A great place to start is one of the many personality tests out there. We love the Enneagram, but you could also consider the DISC or Myers Briggs personality tests. When you know yourself, you’re more equipped to be authentic and get to know others, which ultimately leads to better communication and an easier time working together.
2. Don’t let your personality profiles become labels and excuses.
For instance, if you’re a high D on the DISC, you don’t want to be known as the high-energy person who never listens to others and has a “bull in a china shop” mentality. At the same time, saying “that’s just the way I am” does nothing to help you grow or improve your relationship with others. Use these tests as a starting point to build from – a way to improve yourself as a leader and better understand those you work with – instead of an excuse for bad behavior.
3. The best leaders/team members have aligned their personality style with their jobs.
Everyone should want to work in a position that aligns with their natural strength. That’s why most accountants are high Cs or maybe 1s on the Enneagram. When you’re following your natural strengths, instead of working in the tension of your weaknesses, you’re more energized, more productive, and a better leader.